匯市收盤:英國退歐成真,GBP/USD 重寫 30 年新低、EUR/USD 亦直線下跌

英國退歐陣營意外贏得勝利,重挫 EUR/USD 與 GBP/USD,其中,EUR/USD 盤中大跌 472 點至日低 1.0913,而後略回彈,截至 4 點收低在 1.1145,GBP/USD 一度下挫 11.1% 至 1.3229,創 1985 年廣場協議以來最低水準,截至 4 點走低至 1.3794。另受累於歐 元與英鎊雙殺,加上避險買盤推動日圓強勢,EUR/JPY、GBP/JPY 盤中重貶 9.34%、 15.55%,截至 4 點各走低於 114.76、142.039。

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New Zealand — Rescue workers spent a cold, rainy night pulling survivors from the wreckage caused by a powerful earthquake that struck Christchurch, New Zealand’s second largest city, early Tuesday afternoon, killing at least 75 people.

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Published: February 13, 2011

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European authorities began easing six days of severe flight restrictions on Tuesday, but a new ash cloud, reported to be spreading south from the erupting volcano in Iceland, threatened to thwart part of the effort to end the Continent’s worst aviation crisis.

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BANGKOK, April 9 (TNA) – Red-shirted anti-government protesters of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) on Friday stormed into a satellite ground station compound after a brief clash with police and military assigned as a security force, with water cannon and tear gas used to disperse the crowd for the first time since the government declared a state of emergency on Wednesday.

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One of the worst-ever natural disasters in the western hemisphere leaves the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince(太子港) in ruins

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Pacific Quake

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Thousands are believed to be buried under rubble on Pacific islands ravaged by earthquakes this week and many more were washed out to sea by a resulting tsunami, relief workers estimated today.

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M.I.T. Education in Taiwan, Minus the Degree
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Air France Flight 447: A detailed meteorological analysis
3 06 2009

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Acer laptops running Google's new Android operating system at the Computex trade show in Taipei, Taiwan.By ASHLEE VANCE

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